Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

2011 in Review: Journaling the Past Year

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | December 12, 2011

It’s almost time to bid farewell to 2011 and welcome 2012 with open arms. In a few short weeks, you will be celebrating the start of a brand new year and focusing on your hopes, goals and resolutions for the next 12 months.

But before you break out that new calendar, take out your personal journal and spend a little time journaling about this past year. What was most memorable? What would you prefer to forget? Reflect on 2011’s highs, lows and everything else in between.

Journaling All the Way

1.    Start by looking back at January 2011. Did you set any New Year’s resolutions? Did you create a vision collage  of what you hoped to accomplish? What were your major goals for the year? Write down everything you can remember.

2.    Did your resolutions and priorities change over the course of the year? How and why? Did you make progress in the goals you set at the beginning of the year? What were your greatest challenges? What were your greatest victories?

3.    What did you learn in 2011? What new things did you try? What new discoveries did you encounter? What new people did you meet? What are you most proud of from the past year?

4.    What is your happiest memory from 2011? What is your least favorite memory from 2011?

5.    How did journaling play a role in your life in 2011? Are you satisfied with the relationship you have with your personal journal, or would you like to change it in 2012?

6.    Who were the most important people in your life during the last year? How did they support, mentor or encourage you when you needed them?

7.    If you could sum up 2011 in just three words, what would they be?

What are your three words for 2011? Mine would be: peace, prosperity and personality…I’ve always ardently adored alliteration, actually. :)  C’mon, please share your words.  Still not sure? Go on and ask your Personal Journal, and then share with us.