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Gobble Gobble Up Some Thanksgiving Journal Prompts Goodies

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope this holiday, you find yourself surrounded by family and friends, enjoying a delicious meal and reflecting on the many blessings in your life.

After you wake up from your mid-afternoon, post-turkey nap (you know you’re going to take one), continue the indulgence of the day with one of these Thanksgiving journal prompts. Take your time and savor the writing process!

5 Turkey Day Journal Prompts

1. Did you celebrate last Thanksgiving with a little gratitude journaling ? Flip back to your entry from last year and reread it, trying to remember how you felt when you wrote it.

Repeat the exercise for where you are in your life right now. Finish the sentence, “I am thankful for…” with as many items as you can. What are the similarities and differences in your list between this year and last year? What do you hope to be able to write next year at Thanksgiving?

2. Food, glorious food! Thanksgiving wouldn’t be complete without a table full of comfort food. What is your absolute favorite, the dish that you look forward to all year long? Journal about how to prepare it, how to serve it and what every mouth-watering bite tastes like.

3. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving in an out-of-the-ordinary way? Does your family set out on a special travel adventure or spend the day volunteering? Do your friends throw a pizza party or host a game night? Describe your unconventional Thanksgiving traditions and why they are important to you.

4. Think back to holidays when you were a child. What is your most vivid Thanksgiving memory? Describe it in detail. What emotions does the memory evoke? Why do you think it made such an impression on you?

5. What does gratitude mean to you? How do you express your thankfulness privately and to those who are important to you? How can you bring the spirit of Thanksgiving more into your day-to-day life?

Which of the Turkey Day journal prompts did you write about? Share your thoughts in the comments.