Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Never Leave Home Without It!

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | July 27, 2011

Guest Blog Post by Sue Branson Rawlings


What is the medicinal "plant" I carry wherever I go?

My journal keeps me rooted ~ it heals my wounded soul ~ it keeps track of where I am in my journey.  It is the one item that I never "leave home without".  It may be in the form of a notepad, 3X5 cards, a small journal that fits in my purse ~ but wherever I go, there is always paper and pen to jot down what I see, what I hear and what I smell.

My journal is the one constant in my life.  It records the journey of a lifetime.  It keeps me on the path.  The pages of my journal have recorded my life's emotional symphony ~ sometimes a cacophonous chorus of raging voices trying to outshout one another ~ sometimes a melodious and soft lullaby. 

I am grounded in the "dirt" of my journal(s).  I look at old ones and can see where I've healed ~ see where I still am an open bleeding wound.  I can check to see how the healing took place ~ what was the bridge I used to cross to permit the healing. 

There is humor in my journals ~ helps to get over some of the bumps.  I keep funny cards that friends/family have sent.  That is "grounding" for me to know that I am loved no matter where I am in this marathon called life.  Articles that tickled my funny bone and articles that opened my tear ducts are placed in my journal.

My faithful journal knows everything about me and still opens its pages to allow me to put one more piece of the puzzle into it...


About the Author 

My name is Sue Branson Rawlings, and I am a native Oregonian who has spent most of my life in California.  After retiring I came home to Oregon where I live with my nephew and nieces.I think I must have been born with a piece of paper and a pencil tightly gripped in my hands.  I wanted to record this eventful day in my life...

For most of my life I have kept a diary or journal; but it is only in these latter years I've discovered the healing power of daily journaling. The pages in my journals have opened great reservoirs of hope and understanding; and I am committed to keeping the "flood gates” unblocked during this final chapter of my life…sbr

You can talk with  Sue at

Sue's story will be added to our Personal Journal Stories Page. Send us your journaling story!