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Personal Journal Check-Up: Your 2011 Resolutions 6 Months Later

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | July 5, 2011

July is off to a running start, which means we are halfway through 2011. It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? Six months ago, you probably spent some time thinking about your hopes, dreams and goals for the coming year. You may have even defined a list of concrete New Year’s resolutions or put together a vision collage  in your personal journal to keep you focused and motivated.

The question is: where are you today with these resolutions? Now is an excellent time to check in with yourself to reevaluate your goals, adjust them if necessary and renew your resolve to make positive change in your life.

1. Open a blank page in your personal journal. Write the date at the top of the page.

2. Start by recalling the aspirations you had for 2011. What did you hope to achieve this year? Write down each item, as well as a short description of why you wanted to accomplish it. For example:

• Start saving more – I would like to have financial security for retirement and emergencies. I also want to worry less about money and be able to travel and spend a little without stress.
• Lose weight – I have gained weight, and I want to feel more confident in my body. I also want to take care of my health so I can live a full life.

3. OK, now here’s the tough part. What progress have you made on your resolutions? Be honest, and write down all the steps you have taken to try to reach your goals. Remember that your personal journal is here to listen, not to judge you, so write down even the small victories.

• Start saving more – I started a separate savings account
• Lose weight – I cut back on sodas and sugary foods and started walking more
4. Have you made as much progress as you had hoped by this point? Are you proud? Inspired? Disappointed? Discouraged? Write down how you are feeling about your 2011 resolutions at this moment in July. What challenges have you faced while working toward your goals? Are you still actively trying to achieve them, or have you lost motivation? Tell your personal journal about it.

• Start saving more – I had wanted to put part of my paycheck in savings every month. I started off strong, putting in $100 a month, but then I had some unexpected expenses in March and haven’t saved much since. I’m frustrated I haven’t saved more.
• Lose weight – I had resolved to start eating better and going to the gym more. I have been eating more healthy foods in general, but I still give into fast food too often. As for exercise, I don’t go to the gym much because I don’t like it, but I do go for a walk every day after work. I’m feeling a little better about myself, though I know a have more work to do.

5. If you have encountered setbacks or frustrations, come up with ways you can combat them. Write down a plan of attack to counter each challenge you have faced. Think of today as a fresh start for your 2011 resolutions.

• Start saving more – I will start a “life happens” account for emergency needs (like when the car’s transmission needs to be replaced or I have to buy a last-minute plane ticket). I’ll also look at my monthly budget and set up an automatic withdrawal to my regular savings account so I don’t even have to think about it.
• Lose weight – I’ll resolve to stock my kitchen with healthier alternatives to the fast food I love (for example: keeping fruit smoothie ingredients on hand instead of buying milkshakes). I’ll also keep walking more often – and maybe start a walking group to keep me motivated.

How do you feel about your 2011 resolutions so far? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below. Need some help jumpstarting your resolutions? Maybe one of our 110+ Journaling Ideas will rignite your muses.