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Journaling Your "Bucket List": What's on Yours?

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | April 15, 2011

In the movie “The Bucket List,” Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman played terminally ill men who go on a road trip to cross items off their list of things to do before they “kick the bucket” – from going skydiving to visiting the Taj Mahal.

You may have no desire to jump out of an airplane or travel to India, but you probably do have a mental list of the wonderful and crazy things you would like to accomplish in your lifetime. What are they? Get them out of your head and onto paper. By journaling your dreams, they become more tangible, more exciting and less likely to be ignored.

1. First, set a timeline for your personal bucket list. It doesn’t have to be as broad as “Things To Do Before I Die,” which might seem a little overwhelming. Put it into a context you are comfortable with; for example, “Things To Do Before I Turn 50” or “Dreams to Achieve in the Next 10 Years.”

2. Think about the goals and dreams you are truly passionate about, those that give you excited butterflies in your stomach or an ear-to-ear grin. This is your list and your journaling exercise, so put aside other people’s dreams or anything you feel obligated to do (no one is going to judge you if you don’t want to run a marathon or see Mount Rushmore).

3. Start journaling your bucket list, writing down at least 10 items (keep going if you are inspired!). Be aware of how you feel about each one and only write the ones you sincerely want to achieve. Make sure you add your big goals, but pay attention to the smaller ones as well. Remember, this should be fun! For example:

• Publish a novel
• Sing karaoke in a crowded bar
• Learn to speak Spanish and travel through Argentina
• Go skinny dipping
• Adopt a dog

4. If you want some community while doing this activity, trade lists with a friend or partner and promise to support each other in your endeavors.

5. Bravo! You’ve officially started writing your ongoing list of dreams. Set it aside for the moment, but come back regularly to continue adding to it. Keep in mind that this list is flexible and you can (and probably will) revise it many times in the future.

What is the dream you are most excited about on your bucket list?


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