Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Journaling Prompts You to Answer that Burning Question

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | April 5, 2011

What are your reasons for keeping a personal journal? Does it help you sort through your thoughts and emotions? Does it keep you focused on your goals and dreams? There are many individual reasons for journaling, but they all have a common thread: they help you get to know yourself better.

Writing regularly in a journal is a catalyst for self-discovery and self-acceptance, and Create Write Now’s newest e-book, Who Are You?, guides you through this process.

What is ‘Who Are You?’

Think of this e-book as your personal coach on your journey to discover new information about your inner self. It can be a daunting task to get to the core of who you are: your past experiences, your present goals and your future endeavors. Who Are You? simplifies this process, reviewing the fundamentals of how to keep a personal journal and then sparking your imagination with reflective writing prompts.

How can I benefit from ‘Who Are You?’

This e-book will open your mind to the possibilities of journaling and its many benefits for body, mind and soul.

• Nurture your inner self and make positive changes in your thoughts and feelings
• Encourage yourself to take risks
• Learn the “Seven Principles of Journaling” for calming anxiety and healing your inner world
• Practice techniques to silence your inner critics and embrace your inner coach
• Examine your dreams and subconscious desires in your personal journal
• See yourself in a new light

How do I order?

• Download a sample chapter for free to see the benefits for yourself. Buy a copy and be entered in a drawing for a free 1/2 Journaling Therapy consultation with Mari ($35 value)


Telewebinar on ‘The 7 Principles of Journaling’ coming soon.  Newsletter subscribers: Watch your inbox!  You can sign up for our newsletter on the right hand side of this page.