Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Journaling Personal Best: Paper or Plastic?

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | March 7, 2011

                                             Pen or Computer?

                                              By Sue Meyn
We all have our personal preferences about how we journal---the kind of book we choose, the pen, where we sit, music or not---or whether we do our journaling on the computer.  It’s a question that comes up often as I present to groups and lead classes.  How do YOU feel about it?  That’s really the issue.  Since there are no RULES in this journaling dimension, how you get your thoughts and feelings OUT is up to you.
Personally, I use both.  This little piece is coming right from me and on to the computer.  I rarely write these journal articles on paper---don’t know why.  However, as I put together my class material I KNOW that I MUST do it by hand.  There seems to be something about pen and paper that helps me to reach in more deeply. 
Today I feel the need to get to my journal as soon as I finish this little missive.  There is some connection that needs to happen, I feel, and it just isn’t the same for me on my computer.  Don’t get me wrong, I love this technological instrument I have before me.  Life has changed in so many ways since it became part of me.  And yet, it doesn’t satisfy the quiet, personal and up-close experience of pulling out that book with my shiny new pen.  Perhaps it’s just like having different friends that offer us altered perspectives as we relate to or with them.  This friend is slick and easily read.  My journal is dark and quiet and has no requirements of me. 
How do you feel as you turn to your journal?  Is it on paper or computer?  What’s the difference for you?  Take some time to explore the method that is least familiar to you. Then, perhaps you will send an Unsent Letter to your journal, whether on paper or computer.  Just as we offer gratitude to our friends and family, our journals, too, deserve our thanks and appreciation.  Allow yourself to consider ALL the benefits your journal brings to you---the list may surprise you.  Of course behind all this is the knowing that it is we ourselves that carry this wisdom, knowing…magic!  Enjoy! 
About the Author: You can find Susan S. Meyn, L. P. C. at

For more on the Journaling: Paper or Plastic Controversy, read  at the Journal Writing Therapy Transforms You blog. For the record, Create Write Now shows people how to set up and keep a daily pen-to-page Journaling for the Health of It™ practice for knowing and growing your life!

What are your thought on the Journaling Paper or Plastic Controversy?