Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

(JTC) Journaling Tips Tips #74 - Bus Stop

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | January 29, 2011



~~Take all the time you want to create a “To Stop Doing” List. You might start off your Journaling with “I Can’t Stand It When I…” and do some free writing. When you are satisfied with your list, prioritize it and work with your Journal on #1.~~

I love finding new and different ways to interact with my Journal, to go higher and deeper into my inner world. It’s at least a world. No, maybe universe would be a better word? So I was pleasantly surprised in reading Chris Guillebeux’s book, “The Art of Non-Conformity: Set Your Own Rules, Live the Life You Want" when I came across his suggestion to start writing ‘To Stop Doing’ Lists.

What I found is that working on my ‘To Stop Doing List’ prompted me to return to my center and take time to investigate how I was continuing to stand in my own way. To identify what negative thoughts and feelings I was still buying into. This exercise got me to understand what I needed to face and stop doing so I could more clearly envision and set my goals.

It took a lot of journaling (and I love it!)to come up with a succinct, prioritized ‘To Stop Doing List’ that I could read and know what I was talking about. My top 2 ‘To Stop Doing’ items are:

1. Stop using my left hand to hold on to everything when I move around.

2. Stop listening to the inner chatterboxes.

I figure I can work on two at a time because one is physical and one is mental. Now onto the next step: a plan for changing the stops into starts slowly and surely.

How’s this tip working for you? What can we do to help? Please leave your questions, comments, frustrations, success stories in the Comments section below.

Thanks to Dawn Herring for her LinkedIn comments, “this tip provides awareness of the negative energy and stress in our lives, and what we can do to eliminate what we can change that is negative. Just another great purpose for keeping a journal!”