Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

27 Day Peace of Mind and Body Journaling Challenge Begins Tomorrow!

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | January 1, 2011


Healthy New Year! Members of the Create Write Now ‘Journaling for the Health of It ™’ community want to become healthier and happier this year and are participating in the Peace of Mind and Body: 27 Days of Journaling to Health and Happiness challenge using the workbook of the same name. We will be providing unlimited support, inspiration and laughter on Facebook and Twitter using the #27Days hash tag in our Tweets.

Please join us!  For starters, you’ll learn how to:

• Face down those voices in your head that always hold you back!
• Finally leave behind the negative beliefs about yourself you've been carrying around since childhood!

• Stop overthinking things that just don't matter!

The Peace of Mind & Body: 27 Days of Journaling to Health and Happiness guided journaling workbook takes you on a step-by-step journey to identify exactly what it is you want -- and how to get there.  In just 27 days, you'll find yourself on a clear path to achieving the peace of mind, health and happiness you want for your life.

Today, take time to prepare for your trip; set up your routine. Have some free writing discussions with your Journal about your feelings about this big event. Pick your journal and pen, decide if you want to bring along music, candles, tea... and get a good night’s sleep.  (For my 27Days Journaling Challenge I’m returning to my dining room table which faces east and where I started my Journaling Practice with Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages a dozen years ago. What a homecoming! I’ve chosen a baby blue colored Staples 1 subject notebook and a Bic Ultimates pink pen. I’ll have my peppermint tea filled mug with me and a miniature Ghirardelli individually wrapped piece of dark chocolate each day. Thanks for that 53 piece bag, Santa).

Questions? Please leave them in the Comments section below.

See you tomorrow! Get a Life: Journal Write!