Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Personal Journaling Your Best Year Ever So Far

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | December 30, 2010

Happy New Year! 2010 felt like a whirlwind, and it’s hard to believe it’s already 2011. As you are recovering from the hustle and bustle of the holidays, take a deep breath, relax and take advantage of a few moments of silence to reflect on your past and future through personal journaling.

Most of us have a few periods in our lives that stand out as exceptional and better than the rest. Maybe it was the year you got your driver’s license and got your first taste of independence, or maybe it was the years you were newly married and your children were small. Think back on your favorite time periods in your life so far, and choose just one single year that trumps all the others.

1. In your journal, write “My Best Year” at the top of a blank page. Remember as many details about the year as you can, and start your personal journaling.

• How old were you?
• Where were you living?
• What were you doing at the time—going to school, working, traveling, raising a family?  
• Who were the other people in your life during this time? How did they play a role in making it the best year?
• What about this year made it so special to you? What are specific examples?

2. Reflect on the significance of this year in your development and growth as a person.

• Did you change dramatically during the year? In what ways?
• How has this year influenced the kind of person you are today?
• Would you do anything differently if you had the chance to do it all over again?

3. Now think about your best year in relation to this upcoming year. Are there any lessons you can take away from your past experiences? What about your best year would you like to recreate in 2011? What would you like to be different? How can personal journaling help you reach your goals?

What was your best year? Share in the comments below, and have a fantastic start of the year!

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