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Journaling Creates Your Personal Winter Wonderland

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | December 16, 2010

At this time of year, it’s important to count our blessings twice (or more!). By gratitude journaling  we help ourselves look past the stressful or negative aspects of our lives and instead focus on what we are thankful for.

When you think of the most important gifts in your life, what comes to mind first? Family and friends? Health and happiness? Now think of only the gifts within yourself—your own talents and strengths. Is this more challenging? Sometimes our inner critics do a good job of drowning out our inner coach, and we have a hard time giving ourselves the credit we deserve. Tell those inner critics to go make some snow angels and celebrate your personal gifts through journaling.



1. Begin your journaling by writing “My Gifts” at the top. Think of the qualities and talents you have that make you proud. Do you have an ear for languages or music? Are you the friend everyone turns to in a crisis? Do you have a knack for fixing anything that’s broken? Don’t be modest—now is the time to sing your praises. Write down everything you think of, leaving room to write underneath each item.

2. Go back and reread every gift you wrote down. In the space underneath each item, write down a way this gift has a positive effect on your own life or on others. For example:

I am an excellent cook.
Since I love to cook, I also love to feed other people. I always host the family holiday parties at my house and make sure everyone leaves full and happy.

I am a loyal and dependable friend.
I tell my friends they can count on me any time, and I mean it, whether that’s helping someone move or being a shoulder to cry on.

I am good with numbers.
I actually don’t dread tax season, and I keep our family’s finances in tip-top shape.

3. Give thanks for all of your wonderful gifts, and be proud of all that you have to offer. When your inner critics start to voice their unwanted opinions again down the line, revisit this journaling list.

What surprised you about your list? Was it easy or difficult journaling about your talents and strengths?

Here's a sample for You from my 'A Baby Boomer's Christmas' CD that you can purchase here.

Because It's Christmas