Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

(JTC) Journaling Tips #67 - The Reader

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | December 5, 2010

***Find a completed Journal of yours at random, read it and reflect on it. Write about the experience if you’re so moved. Maybe share the moment?***   
Thanks to Raymonde Savoie Johnson for inspiring this Journaling Tip with her Facebook (please join us!) post:

I am re-reading journals I had over 35 years ago. All I did back then was write out every single thing that I did in my day. Yes, that has its place, but it's boring... how fun to see how much I have evolved in my journal writing since then! My journals saved my life, carried me through many terrible and heart-breaking times, but most of all, as you say Stephanie, they were instrumental in healing and teaching me. Bless you!

The Journaler she was referring to was Stephanie Jordan who posted “Me and my Journal are reviewing each other so we know what not to repeat from this year LOL”.

And synchronicity rocks, doesn’t it? Look what just showed up this morning in my inbox from Ruth Folit of the International Association for Journal Writing:

"Journal keeping illuminates twice: once when you write and again when you re-read it."When was the last time you re-read your journals?

Maybe this (JTC) Journaling Tips #67 will help you jumpstart your Journaling! There are many more Journaling Tips here. Come on down!



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