Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

(JTC) Journaling Tips #64 - My Favorite Year

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | November 6, 2010

Work with your Journal on recalling the sights, sounds and smells of your most enjoyable holiday seasons. Bet you’ll get some ideas to use in managing yourself to a festive Yule this year! 

Well, here we are again… back into the holiday season, automatically adding more and more stresses to our already stress-induced life. So what fond memories can we wrap up and gift to ourselves this year that will help us achieve our goal of thriving on the holidays, for perhaps, the first time in a long time? That is what you want, isn’t it?

Maybe clearing the air and doing a journaling data dump first on all the holiday things you just can’t stand or drive you crazy about family, people, places and things is a good place to start. Oftentimes, acknowledging and working through the bitching and moaning helps us remember the good times more easily. Then we can clearly see what worked, how those events made us feel and create an action plan for enjoying a lot of HO! HO! HO! This year, already! 

Holidays prompt a lot of emotions. Here’s a journaling way to deal with Grief.