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(JTC) Journaling Tips #62 - The Very Thought of You

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | October 24, 2010


~~~Choose an ANT that’s really bugging you, and make a plan with your Journal to become a more APT person.~~~  

It seems that once we put a name on our dis-eases, be they physical, emotional or psychological in origin, we can deal with them and focus our routine, consistent, preferably daily Journaling practice on planning out positive behavior change. 

In Dr. Daniel Amen’s book, ‘Change Your Brain, Change Your Body’, he informs us that we all have the ANT (Automatic Negative Thoughts) dis-ease. We have been carrying around wild and crazy, just plain wrong thoughts about our Self for a long, long, long, long time. Changing internal behaviors are challenging because we are extremely used to automatically going and staying negative. Though we might think those not nice at all thoughts are about other people, they originate in us. More chances to explore what's really going on inside our world and work on becoming an APT (Automatic Positive Thoughts) person.

Thanks to Doctors Amen, Andrew Weil and Deepak Chopra for including Journaling Tips in their holistic health cures. Write-ON!

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