Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

(JTC) Journaling Tips #61 - Altered States

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | October 16, 2010

~~When next you go a Journaling, write one page with your left hand, the next with the right hand, then back to the left, then right…. Want to see something really scary? Watch what happens when you write with both hands at the same time!~~

We were taught and still carry around those school-aged messages that we were supposed to be one-hand dominant only (and that would be just right handed because those of us with a religious grade school experience were informed that left-handedness was the workshop of you-know-who!).  Once more, journaling helps us discover that our childhood adult supervisors were badly mistaken.

I decided that if I could teach my left hand how to write well enough to sign for credit card purchases, why can’t I return my right hand to perfect health? So we came up with the idea of Journaling Couples Therapy.

I’m now using Julia Cameron’s “Morning Pages” again but with a new app. Still three stream of consciousness journaling pages first thing every a.m.  I do one and a half pages with my left hand then one and a half pages with my right. My brain was confused for awhile and this change didn’t initially please my Inner Critic and his band of wary men much but now we’re all grooving along quite nicely, thanks.