Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

(JTC) Journaling Tips #53: My Bodyguard

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | August 23, 2010

Our body is a wonderland but we treat it like a garbage can! When you have a pain, notice how automatically you reach for the pill bottle. Next time you have an ache or pain, reach for your journal first and diagnose what your thoughts and feelings have to do with the messages your body’s sending you.

In Deepak Chopra’s book, “Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul” he discusses how we can begin to relate to our body consciously, as a part of our selves. We are way too experienced in detaching our self from physical sensations (keeping our body at arm’s length) and seeing bodily pains, aches and whatevers as danger signals that we want to run away from or run to the drugstore about, or seek immediate medical attention for.  A healthier and less costly way to live would be to start seeing our physical challenges as messages that need a reply. We can work with our journal to listen, ask our body open-ended questions and craft a creative, compassionate solution.

If you do have one, what would you call your relationship with your body? Please let us know, especially if it’s a healthy, loving, intimate living arrangement.

I’m on a first name basis with my body. And we're getting closer every day. This is a song I sing to it quite often: