Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Journaling: A Passionate Pursuit

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | May 7, 2010

By Dawn Herring

Lists. Dialogue. A dream. A question and an answer. A summary. A poem. A quote. A prayer. There are so many approaches to a journal entry; that’s what I love about journal writing. It is so organic. There is no right or wrong way to do it. You can use the same technique over and over if you find something that truly works for you. Or you can try a different technique every day to keep your entries from feeling monotonous if you bore easily or find you have nothing to say.

Then there is the possibility of keeping more than one journal so you can use different techniques for different approaches and reasons to journal.

I enjoy a summary approach in my daily personal journal, recording events, personal victories and challenges, and brainstorming for better life quality and balance.

In my spiritual journal, I like to quote a scripture or something someone said in a devotional I’m reading, and perhaps add a line or two in applying the principle or action in my own life.

You can do whatever works for you. Because that is the beauty of keeping a journal. And the more active you are in recording things of importance to you, the more you will remember and learn from the process of your life journey.

When I first started out keeping a journal, I was very sporadic with my entries, often going months without a record. That was over 20 years ago. I now see the value of keeping a journal every day; I have 40 or so filled volumes that line my shelves. I can now go back to specific times in my life to read and see where I’ve come from.

Journaling is one of my biggest passions, and I love sharing that passion with others, whether they are regular journalers or are just starting out and are curious about the benefits and approaches to keeping a journal.

You’re welcome to join me for #JournalChat, a chat on Twitter I moderate and host(@JournalChat is my Twitter handle). The purpose of #JournalChat is to have a forum for folks to come together to discuss the benefits, approaches, and techniques of journaling. I hope to inspire those who are curious to get started in keeping a journal, and to encourage those who keep one regularly to share their own approach. We can all learn from other’s journaling experiences and perhaps find another approach that gives us a fresh perspective on our own journaling journey. #JournalChat is every Thursday at 2 EST/1 CST/11 PST on Twitter.

You’re welcome to join the discussion, share your own experience, and perhaps come away with a new journaling technique you can try for your next journal entry.

You’re also welcome to stop by my blog, for journaling prompts and tips, or my website at  for journaling resources.

Dawn Herring is a freelance writer and avid journal writer of over 20 years.