Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Put Your Journaling Tips in my Pocket Book

Written by Mari McCarthy | December 28, 2009
What do you do to enhance your Journaling Life?  How do you get to the page? Do you have a ritual that works for you?

My Artistic Director Wendy Kipfmiller and I are creating a purse size book of Journaling TA DA Tips. I have a draft of 36 tips and need at least 4-8 more! The word count for each tip must be 40-60 words.

Send your tips to by Wednesday December 30. I’d love feedback on the 36 I already have too!  In addition to using your Tips in The Journaling Tips Book, I’ll publish yours in a future (JWC) Weekly Journaling Tips post on Twitter and Facebook.

  1. In your Journal, write the phrase “The Cure is here…the Healing has begun” and then write, write, write away. When you're done, write how you FEEL about this journaling experience!
  2. Why does _____ drive me crazy? Journal on and see what the write answer is!
  3. Pick a song. Use some of its lyrics to start a new journal entry. Or choose a song you love and write your own lyrics!
  4. Write: 'Oh, I Could Never...' and be aware of what's going on in your body as you write. What is your body saying to you?
  5. Wander all around a bookstore or library. Pick out and open any book. Wherever your eyes land, use that phrase as a journal entry starter and write, write, write!
  6. Have a ten-minute free-writing huddle with your Inner Coach. Write down his/her words of wisdom. What did you learn?
  7. Pick your favorite four-letter "F" word like Fate, Fear, Feel, Food, Find, Fuel or.... Write that word down after you've dated the page, then see what your Journal has to say!
  8. Make Someone Happy. Pick a person (that includes you!) and write him/her a letter extolling their virtues and expressing your gratitude for what they bring to your world.
  9. Write down a question in your Journal. Then relax, take a deep breath and bring your question into a 4-5 minute meditation. Return to your Journal and write down the answers you come up with.
  10.  Make a TA DA List. Note your uniqueness, your talents, your mahvelousness dahling!  Be sure you have enough journal pages…this will be a looong list!
  11. Bring your Inner Kid along to your next Journaling session and ask for some advice. Take notes, draw, and doodle. Have…FUN!
  12. What’s your mom or dad’s favorite saying? Use that to start today’s journal entry.
  13. Select a quote you love.  Read it. Savor it. Write about it.
  14. Choose a favorite quote. Meditate (sitting or moving) on it for a few then write about it in your journal. Read your entry…what’s going on in YOUR body?
  15. Look over your WORD program files titles. When something catches your eye, use it to jumpstart your Journal today.
  16. Happy Holidays! Take some time (you name it: one page, ten minutes...) first thing this holiday morn and give thanks for you and your gifts.
  17. Listen to a 20th Century Christmas Carol and journal about its lyrics, your feelings, your memories.
  18. Ho! Ho! Ho! Write in your Journal what it’s like to be an Elf and get to work with Santa 24/7/365.
  19. “Buy a journal and give it to someone, let them write in it and give it back to you. This will give u a lot to write about.” Amaris Autry.
  20. “I keep my journal in the same comfy spot. I leave it open to a blank page with the pen on top so that when I get home it invites me to curl up with it and write.”  Wendy (
  21. “Challenges are Opportunities requesting Action” Mari (
  22. Visit for a Journal Jumpstart
  23. Sit down with your Journal. Take several breaths. Have a conversation with your body. Let him/her write a monologue if it wants.
  24. Take yourself on an Artist’s Date---visit a new place to see what journal writing ideas await!
  25. "The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself." - Anna Quindlen
  26. “I spoil myself the most beautiful, appealing journal I can find - the one with the high quality paper (preferably with no lines). I buy colored ink cartridges for my fountain pen (helps the writing flow). I believe my inner voice deserves a beautiful stage from which to sing!” Joanna (
  27. Change partners: Use an unlined journal, another type or colored pen, write with your other hand, journal with your eyes closed, print your entry….
  28. When you think you are done writing, keep going. This is where you will discover what you are looking for. The pearls are beyond what is visible to us. Shoot for the unknown. Feel fragile & be brave.  Nan (@Inspiredjournal)
  29. Dream. Envision. Imagine. Create. Get to the page, great things await!
  30.  Write in a Journal for 30 days. Then put the Journal away for another 30 days. After that time has passed, pull out the Journal and read it.  You will no doubt learn at least 30 things about yourself.  Things that you like and things you need to improve on! And you'll get some journaling ideas!Steph (
  31. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. What interests you? Take that curiosity to the page and write about those luscious lips, those special smiles, those Betty Davis eyes.
  32. Get out your journal notebook and drain the swamp as fast as you can.  Set a timer and see how many pages you do in 10, 20 or 30 minutes. Keep the water bottle at the ready.
  33.  “Penning down feelings like 'I don't feel like writing or don't know what to write'... Let your mind get rid of that block first - a gradual process but it works!”  Preet (
  34.  “If I write about anything that is bothering me, as in an underlying issue, in my journal, it helps to free up my mind to write other things. Sometimes I'll write an essay or story concerning that underlying issue which is an automatic writer's block eliminator” Dawn (
  35. Paste a picture in your journal and write down the words that you see, hear, smell, touch and taste from it.
  36. What relationship would you like to improve?  Have a heart-to-heart with your Self or your Inner Critic or your Blank Page.

Maybe something you’ll find here would make for a great Journaling TA DA Tips!