Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

How to Start a Journal

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | January 16, 2009

There is only one way to start a journal—Your Way.

Starting a journal is doing something new, scary and exciting…spending quality time alone, in private with yourself, solving your problems, reducing your stresses, curing your dis-eases, discovering how to be happier, healthier and wealthier. And that’s just the beginning. 

When you entertain writing a journal, you are starting to understand and take care of yourself and your inner critics don’t like that much because internal pain, agony and suffering has been a part of you for a looooong time.  Peace and prosperity are not usually the first words you choose to describe your insides, are they? Starting a journal helps you grow yourself back up and live as a  confident, compassionate adult in an unconditionally loving home you create for yourself.

Start a journal one step at a time:

Step 1

Take a trip to Staples, WalMart or wherever, browse and buy yourself a notebook and pen that feel right for you. Take your time, and enjoy the journey.

Step 2

Choose a place and time to start your journal. Try different spots and slots.

Step 3

Just Do It.  Date the entry and write whatever You want for as long as You want and when You are done for that day, do whatever You want with your pages. 

Writing a journal brings good news and more good news. Journaling shows you how to stop fighting yourself and start befriending yourself.