Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Spiritual Journaling - Part One

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | February 25, 2014

A guest post by Peg Jones

Part One of Two

From the time I received my first diary as a young girl till I was in my 20s, I had always done some kind of journaling.  In my 20s, I kept a journal/ diary about the ups and downs my life was taking at the time.  I had at least two or three going at the same time. 

I enjoyed doing this writing very much, until I found my privacy had been violated. I found out my house mates looked at the journal without permission.  In thinking about this time in my life, I was going through some real spiritual dilemmas.  I was living on my own and could barely make ends meet.  In my journal, I wrote about some of the milestones I had experienced and also my dreams and hopes, writing to God many a time.

In many ways, I had lost the connection to my spirituality because of some setbacks I had gone through, just before I got married. This period of disconnect from spirit happened for over 15 years following the date of our marriage.  

I made many attempts to do some writing in my journal, but to be honest, I had no time to journal.  I was a teacher of young children and I didn’t have the time or patience to do any writing of a spiritual nature.  In looking back, I see that during that time my writing consisted of lesson plans, IEPs, daily anecdotal reports, and yearly reports.  I had no time or particular interest in doing extra writing of any sort.

And then there was a time in life when I began a new spiritual journey of self healing, and feeling the need to express myself more.  I began to take some creative writing, online classes.  I found this helped me to reach my heart and soul and see the spiritual connection that I doubted was genuinely there.  I was writing more creatively and writing poetry, essays, and having a column on a few spiritual sites.   

My creative writing was mainly poetry and essays for publication and I also began writing some meditations.  I found I was doing a lot of writing of poetry about the angels, as I was becoming more involved in doing angel readings and angel meditation healings.  Angels were becoming very important to me.

I found that a lot of this writing was channeled writing, which I had no idea I was doing, until someone suggested to me that some of what I was writing was channeled.  


Look for Part Two of this post on March 11!

Peg Jones is an Angelic Life Coach and author, radio host, and  facilitator of  classes about the angels. She works with people to help understand who their angels are and how they help and guide on our life path/ spiritual path. She does this through classes and working individually. Peg just published her first book,  Living in the Heart Place with Your Angels: Daily Angelical Whispers Throughout the Year.  This book had been a  project over a period of about two and half years. Each day there is a message from your angels and there is also a journal exercise to go along with the angels.  Peg has also written for several ezines about her experiences from her angels or messages from the angels.  Peg has been a preschool teacher and also a special needs teacher for many years.  She lives at home with her husband in Peabody, MA. Peg is available for speaking or workshops, to mentor or to coach about spiritual things, or life issues, with input from the angels.  Visit her website at