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A Message from Blaze Lazarony: Are You Ready to Fall in Love with Yourself?

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | October 15, 2013

Blaze Lazarony, Founder of Blaze A Brilliant Path, is on a mission to help women entrepreneurs discover their unique Inner Spark, fall in love with all that is, and live each day from their illuminated soul spaces — in both their lives and businesses.

For more than 20 years, I worked in the fast-paced world of a Fortune 100 company, managing $2.5 billion in sales in 42 retail locations across the United States.

Then in 2003 cancer arrived, shouting.

That finally got my attention. And I resigned from my fast-track life to take care of myself, to heal and discover what really matters to me.

My journey led me to become an Advanced Certified Transformational Life and Business Coach through training with Martha Beck (columnist for O, The Oprah Magazine) and the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology, in addition to earning a Certification in Hypnotherapy. 

I am now a speaker and workshop leader on topics ranging from business coaching to personal empowerment. 

I have published three books, the latest a collaborative chapter book entitled The Art and Science of Loving Yourself First: ‘cause your business should complete you, not deplete you! (Splendor Publishing, August 2013.)

This “love” book was written with you in mind, because too many heart-felt and soul-based entrepreneurs struggle to make a living, a profit, and a difference without burning out in the process! And I have a hunch that you too may have forgotten the most important person to your business…YOU!

Check in with yourself, have you been putting your need for play, relaxation, and self-care on the back-burner?

Are you feeling depleted and overworked?

Are you always putting everyone first in your life and business, except YOU?

I’ve been there and done that!  And now that things have changed in my life, I’d love to share ways to help YOU put YOU first!

Too often, we often make our businesses harder than they need to be, leaving ourselves feeling frustrated, depleted, and overwhelmed. We cannot ignore ourselves and expect to be happy, productive, and influential in the world. We must become aware of the everyday habits and limiting beliefs that keep us stuck, and lay the foundation that will springboard us into success.

My chapter in the book is titled, Embracing Your Essence Brings Fragrance to Others and offers everyday wisdom, as well as practical exercises to help you discover who you are, both through your eyes and the eyes of others.  It is a journey to discovering your unique “soul” sweetness in both your life and business. 

“Your essence is a Brilliant fragrance”—Blaze Lazarony 

The seemly simple exercises included in this book, form the deep foundation of the work I do with my private coaching and consulting clients.  Using this exercise and many others, I help my clients design custom fit lives and businesses that are a true reflection of them. 

I believe that everyone is brilliant in his or her right, and as we each step into our brilliant light, we can ultimately become the person we’ve always wanted to become. 

Are YOU Ready to Love YOURSELF….first? 


For more information about Blaze Lazarony, please connect with her on her website, Blaze A Brilliant Path, or on social media. To purchase a copy of her newest book, The Art and Science of Loving Yourself First: ‘cause your business should complete you, not deplete you! please click here.