Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Writing From the You, Not the I

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | August 7, 2013

By Natasha Mansour 

Have you ever looked at an onion? I mean really looked at an onion. Its paper thin layer of firm, crusty epidermis stuck tightly to its body; and just beneath lies an oval of thickly veined bows, haloing atop one another. One slice and a closer look, and the bows become lifelines. Like the lifeline circles of a tree. What is it about the inner that always has so much to offer? Surface living can be so dull when you consider the artistic intricacies that lie beneath. 

Inside each of us lay those same lines of life. Some are perfectly haloed, just like the onion. Others are crooked and bent. But no matter the design of your roadmap, all the lines of your inner earth ultimately lead to the same point: You. The real you. The Soul You. The You that has known love and hurt; the You that has known laughter and cried. The You that has sought and found, and the You that is still searching. 

This part of yourself, the You, is free of the skin that binds. The You is all knowing, all powerful and without limits. It is free of judgment and shackled emotion. And when the You speaks, it sounds from a place of pure truth. This is where the Universe resides. And this, is from where you should be writing. 

As a Writing Coach for inspired wellbeing, I emphasize the practice of You Writing: writing from a space of pure intention, with no holds barred. When you write, you needn’t care what it reads like, how it reasons, who will find it, read it, scoff at it or curse it. It shouldn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. None of the metal world matters in the house of You. When we learn to detach from the skin we’re in and from the social tapestry that defines us, we are choosing to let go of our Ego - the I that often masks our true voice. 

This is an important process to engage when you’re journaling or simply writing from inspiration. By giving ourselves permission to pour the secrets of our souls onto the blank page, we are honoring our Sanctum inside, where all our wishes and woes dwell. It’s our time with the Universe. What greater gift than this can there be: when page and ink and soul collide gracefully. It’s Nirvana for the writer. 

Writing from where you are, in that moment, will deliver who you are in that moment. This can, at times, be an overwhelming experience but the emotional liberation that follows is well worth it. I am often brought to chills (sometimes tears) when my clients share their soul writings with me, because it’s just so pure. Like dewdrops blessing the morning. 

I am reminded of a beautiful piece of literature from Dan Millman’s Way of The Peaceful Warrior – a book that changes lives - which essentially sums up the You inside, and the importance of living your life, and writing your life, from a place of truth: 

He reached over to the refrigerator, grasped an onion, and tossed it to me. 

“Peel it, layer by layer,” he demanded. I started peeling. 

“What do you find?” 

“Another layer” 


I peeled off a few more layers. “Just more layers, Soc” 

“Keep going” 

“There’s nothing left” 

“There’s something left, all right” 

“What’s that?” 

“The universe. Consider that as you walk home.”

-          Dan Millman – Way of the Peaceful Warrior 

Consider this, as you pick up your pen. 


Natasha Mansour is a professional Copywriter and Wellbeing Writing Coach of Room 206 (PTY) Ltd. She is also the founder of the fast growing creative writing series, Write of Passage Healing Sessions. As a qualified Journalist from Rhodes University in South Africa, Natasha has carried her love for the written word across her career paths. Her experience over the years has taught her great lessons in the spiritual and emotional benefits that writing delivers. Inspired by this, Natasha offers writers and non-writers the opportunity to release and let go through creative writing tools, designed for the pursuit of happiness. Natasha teaches ways in which to tap in to your inner voice and face your fears of connecting with emotional wounds and “wows”, all through the written word. Natasha believes in magic and fairies, angels and demons – and that writing is the secret code to Life’s elixir. To learn more about Write of Passage Healing Sessions visit