Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

#27Days Journaling Challenge: Transform Your Life Today!

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | December 30, 2014

Happy, Healthy, Healing New Year! Take the 5th Annual 27 Days Life-Changing Journaling Challenge with CreateWriteNow’s Journaling for the Health of It ™ tribe and you’ll reconnect with your Self, eliminate old, unhealthy, negative thoughts and feelings and accomplish awesome 2015 goals. You’ll discover why your life is not working the way you’d like it to and start making the necessary changes write away.

The Peace of Mind & Body: 27 Days to Health and Happiness Journaling Challenge takes you on a step-by-step journey to identify who you are today, exactly what it is you want and how to get there. Discover what makes you tick (and what ticks you off) and clear out the old beliefs still stuck in the cells of your body to make way for the new, true You!

The #27Days Journaling Challenge workbook you’ll need for this course is your personal coach on your journey to improve your inner health. It’s scary to get to the core of who you are: examining your past experiences, facing your fears, and changing your attitudes and behaviors. The 27 Days Life-Changing Journaling Challenge shows you how to use a daily pen-to-page journaling practice to simplify this workload.

When you take the 27 Days Life-Changing Journaling Challenge, you’ll:

  • Reconnect with your Inner Kid   
  • Stop sabotaging and start healing your Self
  • Unleash your creativity
  • Discover your Inner Coach
  • Learn to manage chronic health challenges

CreateWriteNow offers a private Facebook Group for the course where you can connect with others participating in the challenge. Receive daily inspiration from Mari L. McCarthy and share your personal discoveries with fellow journalers like Pam Dickhaus and Glenda Poulter. Both Pam and Glenda will be taking the #27Days Journaling Challenge for the second time!