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10 Ways to Help a Woman With Low Self Esteem

Written by Amarachi Moses | June 17, 2022

If you have a woman in your life who suffers from low self-esteem, then you may be wondering how you can help.

It can be tough to watch someone you care about struggle with feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness, but fortunately, there are things you can do to support her.

In this guide, we will explore some ways to help a woman with low self-esteem, based on advice from experts in the field. Keep reading to learn more!


1. Understand that her low self-esteem is not her fault

Women with low self-esteem often blame themselves for their situation. They are always thinking "if only I was thinner/smarter/prettier, then I would be happy."

It's important to remind her that she is not responsible for her low self-esteem, and that it is not her fault. 

You can do this by pointing out her positive qualities and emphasizing that her worth is not based on her looks or accomplishments.

If she is constantly putting herself down, gently challenge her negative statements. 

For example, if she says "I'm so fat," you can reply with "No, you're not. You're beautiful just the way you are."

Encourage her to talk about her feelings and listen without judgment. Sometimes, just knowing that someone understands and cares can make a big difference.


2. Encourage her to do things that make her feel good about herself

One of the best things you can do for a woman with low self-esteem is to encourage her to do things that make her feel good about herself. 

This could include things like working out, taking a yoga class, keeping a journal or getting a manicure.

Help her find activities that make her feel happy, confident, and good about herself. This can be a great way to boost her mood and start helping her build up her self-esteem.

You can also offer to do these activities with her, to show your support. Follow her to the gym or buy a journaling book to encourage her journaling (if it applies).

Doing this can be a great way to help her feel better about herself and start building up her self-esteem.


3. Encourage positive self-talk:

Women with low self-esteem often have negative thoughts running through their minds. Help her combat these by encouraging positive self-talk. 

This means reminding her to speak kindly to herself, focus on her strengths, and cut herself some slack.

Positive self-talk can be a powerful tool in helping to boost a woman's self-esteem.

Let her know that self-love matters.

"You are doing your best."

"You are strong and capable."

"You are worthy of love and respect."


These are just a few examples of the kinds of things you can say to encourage positive self-talk.

It's important to remember that the words we say to ourselves matter. So, if you want to help a woman with low self-esteem, encourage her to speak kindly to herself.


4. Help her set realistic goals and encourage her to take small steps towards achieving them

Helping a woman with low self-esteem set realistic goals and take small steps towards achieving them can be a great way to help her feel more capable and confident.

Brainstorming ideas, offering suggestions, and cheering her on as she works towards reaching her goal are all great ways to help her achieve success.

This will help her to feel more capable and confident. You can assist her in goal-setting by brainstorming ideas and offering suggestions. 

This will help her achieve success. Once she has a goal in mind, offer to help her make a plan to achieve it.

Then, cheer her on as she works towards reaching her goal!


5. Acknowledge her accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem

Another way to support a woman with low self-esteem is to acknowledge her accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. This includes things like completing a project at work, taking care of her children, or cooking a meal.

By acknowledging her accomplishments, you are helping her to see herself in a positive light and raising her self-esteem.

Take some time to think about the accomplishments that she has made, and be sure to praise her for them!

"You did a great job on that presentation!"

"I'm so proud of how you're taking care of your children."

"That meal was delicious - you're such a great cook!"

Your words of encouragement will mean a lot to her and will help to boost her self-esteem.


6. Don't give unsolicited advice or try to fix her problems for her

One thing to avoid when supporting a woman with low self-esteem is giving unsolicited advice or trying to fix her problems for her.

This can make her feel like you don't believe that she is capable of solving her own problems. Instead, offer your support and let her know that you are there for her, but respect her ability to make decisions for herself.

A woman with low self-esteem is likely already feeling insecure and overwhelmed, so try to avoid adding to her stress levels by being critical or pushy.

"I'm here for you if you need to talk."

"Can I help you with anything?"

"I'm sorry that you're going through this - let me know if there's anything I can do."

These are all supportive statements that will let her know you care without adding to her stress levels.


7. Let her know that you love and care about her, even when she's feeling down about herself

The most important thing you can do for a woman with low self-esteem is to let her know that you love and care about her, even when she's feeling down about herself. 

This is often the most difficult thing to do, but it is so important.

She may not believe it herself, but remind her that she is worthy of love and respect. Let her know that you will be there for her, no matter what. 

These reassurances can be just what she needs to help her start to feel better about herself.

"I love you, no matter what."

"I'm here for you, no matter what."

"You are worthy of love and respect."

These simple statements can make a world of difference to a woman with low self-esteem. Just knowing that she is loved and supported can help her to start feeling better about herself.

Do your best to be patient, kind, and understanding - she is going through a tough time and needs your support. With a little love and care, you can help her improve her esteem and confidence.


8. Avoid comparing her to other people - everyone is different and has their own strengths and weaknesses

One final piece of advice is to avoid comparing her to other people. This will only make her feel worse about herself. Everyone is different and has their own strengths and weaknesses.

Instead, focus on her individual qualities and what makes her special. This will help her to feel more confident and appreciated.

"I love the way you're always so kind to others."

"You have such a great sense of humor!"

"I admire your strength and courage."

These are all examples of statements that will make her feel good about herself without comparing her to anyone else.


9. Be careful not to accidentally make her feel worse about herself

There are a few things you should avoid doing if you want to help a woman with low self-esteem. First, don't accidentally make her feel worse about herself. This can happen easily if you're not careful.

For example, don't bring up her insecurities or past failures. This will only make her feel worse and could cause her to spiral down into a negative mindset.

Second, don't try to change her or tell her she needs to fix herself. This will only make her feel like you don't accept her as she is. Instead, try to encourage her to be the best version of herself.

Finally, don't give up on her. She may have good days and bad days, but it's important to stick by her and remind her that you're there for her.


10. Be Patient

The last tip on this list to help a woman with anxiety is to be patient. It takes time for someone to work through their anxiety and low self-esteem. It's important to be patient with her and not get frustrated if she doesn't seem to be making progress as quickly as you'd like.



If you have a friend or family member who is struggling with low self-esteem, use these tips to help support her.

Helping a woman with low self-esteem can be a challenge, but it is so worth it. Seeing her start to feel better about herself is one of the most rewarding things you can experience.

Just remember to be patient, kind, and understanding - she is going through a tough time and needs your support. With a little love and care, you can help her improve her esteem and confidence.

What are your thoughts? Do you have any other tips to share? We'd love to hear from you in the comments below!


Author bio:  Hi! I'm Amarachi Moses, a health and lifestyle blogger with a passion for fitness. My goal is to help people learn how to live their best lives, and I hope to inspire others through my writing.

Through my website, I share tips on how to live a healthy and happy life.