Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Transitions Journaling Challenge: Rejoicing With My Inner Coach

Written by Pam Dickhaus | June 7, 2016


I guess I haven't transitioned well into my "new" life. It all started with my Dad passing away in December 2000. Then my husband and I separated and I was left basically homeless. Thank the Good Lord my Mom was able to take me in for awhile.

All those situations took me to new places, places where I didn't want to be. I wanted my old life back! Although I eventually realized I couldn't have that, I still was rejecting things and in denial.

Then along came Mari with "Life Transitions 22 Days Journaling Challenge."

There are several different exercises that helped guide me through this challenge. Writing about where my life is now as opposed to where it was and where I want it to be made me realize that I CAN make changes, positive ones to help myself. I don't have to listen to the "inner critic" who tells me constantly that I can't do it and I'm not good enough. Instead, I can draw on the power of the "inner coach" to help get me through the tough times and rejoice when things are going good.

This challenge was tough in spots, recalling transitions that were painful then and are still painful today, although not nearly as bad. I learned that by writing things out in my journal, comparing notes to past transitions, be they positive or negative, I can get through new transitions as they come. I am still trying to deal with the last one, that of being out of work and disabled. I wasn't functioning well until this challenge. Now I know I can use my journal to describe my feelings, map out some short and long-term goals and break things down into smaller pieces so I can see progress and accomplish what I need to do. I've also learned that I DO have positive qualities, skills and talents and I can tell the inner critic to just flat "shut-up I'm not listening to you!" (Cue the picture of the child holding her hands over her ears and using a monotone syllable to overpower the person talking!)

Thanks for another fantastic challenge, Mari! Keep them coming and I'll keep doing them!


I am a former journalist, having worked as a correspondent for a large metro paper in another part of my state and as a general assignment reporter for our local paper. I have been doing creative writing in the form of poetry and short stories for most of my life. My most recent job was at a residential mental health crisis center, working as a Mental Health Technician. Currently, I am pursuing work from home in the form of blogging jobs and making and selling some of my craft items. In my spare time, I write, play in my art journal, do Zentangle, and make handcrafts..

I live in Wyoming with my kitties. My two children are grown and moved out on their own and have blessed me with four grandchildren.

I use spiral notebooks and old hardcover books that I alter for journals and art journals and write in longhand for the most part. I am also in the process of writing several novels, as well as my memoir, geared toward self-help.