Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Writing Home

Written by Nicole Annette | June 3, 2020

Dear friend,

I first want you to know that you are so worthy and necessary and loved and seen and heard.  These are the things so easily forgotten but so important as our foundation is created from our self-awareness and the belief we hold about ourselves.

My name is Nicole, and over the last few years I have been on a journey home.  Home signifies a place of comfort and peace. A space where we find love and belonging.   A dwelling from which we glean wisdom and understanding-the focus by which we pattern our lives.

As humans we have an innate desire to belong. We seek to belong to a tribe for assurance, status, love, purpose, affirmation, security and comfort.

For many of us, the tribe feeds us and teaches us, welcomes us and give us a place in their world.

We find our identity through their experiences and form our beliefs based on their truths.

We contribute to the community at large and collectively enjoy the benefits of our labor.

We live our lives within the circle of our tribes

and call them family.

But every once in a while the tribe distorts and becomes out of balance and shakes the constructs of our world.

No longer grounded, we flounder and spin and begin the downward spiral into uncertainty, confusion, and fear. 

We live in scarcity convinced that we have lost it all.

But then we hear the call.

A silent voice that beckons us from deep within.

A voice long muted by the conversation of the tribe.

No longer left alone to hide, it emerges to offer new hope and clarity -a voice familiar to every fiber of our being.

Our voice is calling

and now it is time to answer the call.

You see, everyday we go out and long to return to what we know as home,

but home is you,

and you ARE home.

Sometimes we lose ourselves and must return-following the breadcrumbs of our words as they guide us back to what we know and to who we are.

Each written word, a small stepping stone of trust and love, compassion and grace,

as we redefine this unoccupied space called home.

Each flourish of the pen creating roots, deeply and gently anchoring us in the truth of who we are.

We are grounded in this moment.

We are here.

And having returned safely home, we smile, because it feels



Journaling is your way home my friend.  I invite you to step fully into your journey of self-awareness, self-discovery, self-love and self-compassion and find yourself one word at a time.

Using Your Journal:

✍🏼 What parts of yourself have you forgotten?

✍🏼 What does "returning home" mean to you?

✍🏼 What's one thing you can do today to show yourself compassion and grace?



Author bio: Nicole Annette is a passionate Writer, Mentor, Teacher, Journal Maker, and Podcast Host of The Journal Coaching Podcast.  Journaling has had a huge impact in her life, and has promoted insight, healing, personal and professional growth.  Her mission is to inspire others to transform their lives through the Intentional Journaling Practice so that they can FLOURISH, live the best version of their lives, and serve the ones they love and care for.


Nicole lives with her husband and two boy-folk in beautiful Asheville, NC where she wanders the gardens of the local arboretum and writes in newly discovered coffee shops. You can read more of her story through her posts at