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Conscious Living through Attitude Transformation

Written by Melinda Carver | June 20, 2018
Are you experiencing a plateau in your life with your negative attitude, bad moods and lower energy levels?  Have you been unconsciously sabotaging yourself in relationships by ripping them apart or torpedoing your career?  Do your dreams seem more vivid or scarier lately?  Have people close to you begun to ghost you?

This negative plateau is unhealthy for you to remain on – it affects you body, mind and soul.  This negative energy not only affects you, it changes the people around you and the way they react to you and your actions.

Your unconscious (or higher self) has been trying to break through to your conscious self about ways to clear this negativity from your life.  When you are stuck in a negative vibration, it will attract MORE negativity into your life.  Clearing this energy starts with YOU.  Your attitude, mood and energy levels are created and nurtured by you.  They inform the world about your intentions, actions and goals.

How do you know if whether are not you are consciously flowing in positive energy?  You begin by taking a good look at yourself, your words, actions and attitude.  My book, Get Positive Live Positive, explores these negative patterns and attitudes.  It teaches you ways to clear your negativity so you may begin transforming your life with the power of positive energy.  My book is based on my popular workshop and includes helpful advice, case studies and journaling to move forward in a healthier, happier life.  Here is a short excerpt to assist you today:

You change your physical and aura energy by your thoughts about yourself, your attitude, and your mood. Your behaviors also influence the energy that you life in. Once again, you are responsible for your own thoughts, words, actions and reactions. You are the main variant for allowing negativity energy to affect every facet of your life.

If you do not feel good about yourself, others will not either. It is your attitude pattern that must be changed. When you are extremely jealous of others or angry at people, you will send out negativity. If you are practicing intense judgments of people, you will flow in negativity.  If you concentrate on only what you lack in your life, you will attract negative patterns.

Pulling yourself out of these patterns will allow positive energy and feelings to grow within you and emanate from you. Building your self confidence and loving yourself will raise your vibrations. These two actions will help you to break the patterns listed above.

Confidence exudes a positive vibration. It attracts people to you. Loving yourself elevates your vibration. When you love yourself, you then exude love and can then attract more love into your life.

To assist you in determining whether or not your own energy is contributing negatively to your life, ask yourself the following questions. Space has been provided for you to write your answers.

How do you feel about yourself right now?

1. Do you believe your feelings about yourself are positive or negative?

2. In which way does your self esteem affect your manifesting?

3. Do you say out loud or to others that you are “unlucky”?  How often?

4. Are you extremely jealous of another person right now?

5. Have your emotions lately been stuck in “anger” mode?  Are others afraid of you?

6. Have you been attempting to bully another person?

7. Describe to yourself how the actions above are impacting your life right now in a positive or negative manner.

8. Sometimes taking a good long look at ourselves provides us with that “ah-ha!” moment. That moment is the beginning of conscious transformation. I do hope that you are inspired to break negative patterns in your life so that you may create the most beautiful life for yourself. Get positive, live positive!

This article includes an excerpt from Chapter 1 of Get Positive Live Positive: Clearing the Negativity from Your Life by Melinda D. Carver. Published by Red Feather (Schiffer Publishing) ISBN 978-0-7643-5291-1. Reprinted with permission from Schiffer Publishing.

Author Bio:

Melinda Carver is a Motivational Speaker, Psychic Medium and Author of Get Positive Live Positive.  She has appeared nationally on TV, radio, expos, conferences, corporate events and stores.  Her articles have been published in several magazines and she stars in 13 titles of the Holistic Highway to Wisdom DVD Series.

Get Positive Live Positive was featured on the Spirited Woman Spring Top 12 Book Pick List and just won a COVR Silver Visionary Award in the 'Personal Growth & SelfHelp' category.


Melinda's Websites: – for readings/products/articles – about book

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