Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Therapeutic Journaling Cures Another Dis-ease

Written by Mari McCarthy | October 18, 2009

I have Shingles

Sad but true

And I know exactly what to do…

Hang with my Journal, scream and shout

Come up with a plan to kick the bums out!


Last week, WebMD and I diagnosed myself with Shingles, a viral infection (another one…I believe I hold the record for viruses) of my nerve roots. This dormant chickenpox virus asserted itself and brought piercing nerve pain and a hurtful, itchy, pussy rash to one side of my body. The rash appeared in a band, and thankfully in a small area.  My particular brand of Shingles logically manifested on my left side to divert my attention  from my right side where my MS symptoms currently require a lot of my time and energy.  I do believe my body’s showing me the way back to a more balanced life!

After I saw my primary care doctor and got  7 days worth of  Valtrex  (at $15 a pill) I contacted my naturopathic doctor to  see what natural remedies I might need.  No suggestions but she told me to chill because “the number one cause of Shingles is "stress". Posing my favorite question “What do I do now?” to my daily Journal, it suggested I use a dialogue technique from Dr. Ira Progoff’s Intensive Journal Program. So I began my discussion with Shingles:

Me:  Well, Shingles thanks for dropping by. I know I have lots to learn from you and of course I have lots of questions. I want you to notice that I’ll be using ‘What’ and ‘How’ a lot because in all my Journaling I’ve uncovered that ‘Whying’ to myself keeps me stuck in  the negative messages I used to be so comfortable with. So, what do I need to learn?

Shingles:  I think you have a very good attitude about me. I see that all your Journaling has helped you reopen the communication lines with your body. And that you take responsibility for rousing me out of the safety and serenity of your central nervous system. You are more patient and more loving with yourself but this is a chance to see where there’s more to forgive, to find more old wounds you’ve been carrying around and heal them.  You know you don’t have to spend any more money on medicine. You have what you need to make yourself healthier.

Me: Thanks for the validation and positive feedback. I so need and enjoy it!

Shingles: My pleasure. So what do you feel you need to do?

Me: I feel I need to be more patient with myself, to breathe, meditate, rest and accept that I have much more to uncover about myself. I can tell you that I hear the rumblings of my inner critics but they don’t scare and overwhelm me anymore. I admit that it is tempting to go back into my old ways of expert sabotaging andbeating myself up but I feel strong, more confident and positive and choose to move forward. For now, I’m going make a cup of tea, do some reading and relaxing. I look forward to our evening discussion….

The more daily journaling I do, the quicker I get answers to my Journal questions.

We all have physical challenges that we can learn how to master. How about getting out a pen and notebook and starting a discussion with your lower back, your chronic sinus infection or your most painful body part? Once your body gets over the shock that you are truly interested in it, and trusts that you won’t rush away, it will show you what’s really going on inside and give you some ideas for healing yourself.

And remember to send you inner critics outside to play in traffic!