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10 Best Self Improvement Audiobooks to Win At Life

Written by Sarah Schumer | November 5, 2021

Whether you are looking for New Year’s resolutions or simply trying to inculcate some life-improving habits in your life, the self-improvement audiobooks can help. These life-changing audiobooks cover all the important lessons and practical strategies that help overcome your fears, organize your time, declutter your life, and build your confidence. 

Here, we have listed some of the top self-improvement audiobooks for you to choose from that can transform your perspective towards life completely.

1: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert


Big Magic teaches you to be curious all time, find your own personal outlets and challenge yourselves. Written and narrated by Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic is a perfect self-improvement audiobook for creative people who want to live each moment with enthusiasm, passion, and confidence. 

Big Magic inspires you to live creatively without any fear. Elizabeth Gilbert’s self-development audiobooks have been a motivation for all ages of readers for years and in this audiobook, she has shared her wisdom and unique perspective about creativity very beautifully. This book lets you focus and explore your inner talent and balance your spirituality with pragmatism. 


2: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


The Alchemist is the perfect self-improvement audiobook with an inspirational and encouraging story. The story revolves around a young shepherd from southern Spain, Santiago who is on a journey to the Great Pyramid in Egypt. On his journey, he meets a mysterious and wise alchemist who gives him the most helpful advice of his life. 

The Alchemist is one of the top audiobooks of all time in the genre of self-development. It is narrated by the Academy Award-winning actor Jeremy Irons with reverence, vibrancy, and incredible range.  A fable about following your dream, The Alchemist is amazing in its simplicity and wisdom.


3: Take Control of Your Life



Learn how to silence fear and win the mental game with the best self-improvement audiobooks of all time, Take Control of Your Life by Mel Robbins. Through this audiobook, Mel Robbins teaches readers to overcome the biggest obstacle of their life and that is fear. Take Control of Your Life is truly a life-changing audiobook from which you get one-on-one life-coaching sessions with important lessons that you can start using to see improvement in your life.

The author has used both her wisdom and humor to give an important lesson on how to tackle your fear of change, being alone, rejection, imposter syndrome, and feeling trapped in the wrong career.  


4: Think and Grow Rich


Think and Grow Rich has exclusive interviews with more than 500 of the world's most successful people, including George Eastman, Henry Ford, and Frank Woolworth. Written by Napoleon Hill and originally published in 1937, this is the best audiobook to listen to if you want to know about the achievements and philosophy of the most powerful figures in history.


Think and Grow Rich audiobook has 20 years of Napoleon Hill’s life invested. Erik Synnestvedt has narrated this book with clarity, making it a compelling listen for history fans. This audiobook comprises the experiences of hundreds of America’s most successful men. 


5: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success


Written and narrated by Deepak Chopra MD, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is the perfect audiobook for people with stressed life, who are under constant pressure to work harder. The audiobook gives a clear understanding of the basic nature of human beings and how it can be the key to your success. It is a short duration self-improvement audiobook that bursts the myths around success, that you can be successful only with hard work, driving ambition, and exacting plans.  

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success audiobook has 7 simple yet powerful principles that you can easily apply in your day-to-day life to get success. 


6: Outliers: The Story of Success


In this self-development audiobook, the author talks about the “Outliers”, who are the best and the brightest, the most successful, and the most famous. It forces you to think that what makes these high-achievers different from others. 

Written and narrated by the best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers is a must-listen audiobook in the self-improvement genre. Motivating and enlightening for the listeners, this self-improvement audiobook talks about research-based practices that help listeners know their potential and achieve their goals in life.


7: The Power of Now


The Power of Now is the best self-improvement and spiritual audiobook of all time. Listening to the audiobook, you get to know how to live your life in the moments and to create the most fulfilling life possible. To completely understand the book, you might need to keep your analytical reasoning, and false ego at bay. The Power of Now audiobook states that one can only enter a state of inner peace if he has access to the silence, the body, and the space all around himself. 

Written and narrated by Eckhart Tolle, the audiobook is in a very simple language and is written in a question and answer format that is compelling to listeners. 


8: Dare to Lead


Dare to Lead answers some important questions about leadership, bravery, and courage. Written and narrated by New York Times best-seller author Brene Brown, the Dare to Lead audiobook has some of her real examples and important strategies that help you become a leader. It states that leadership is not about status, title, and power, but instead, it is about recognizing the potential in people and nurturing that for use.   

This audiobook on leadership is for people who are ready to choose courage over comfort and become a leader. 


9: The Power of Habit


Habits have the power to transform a business, community, and life. It is a science and if you get the hold of the right habit you get the key to the door of any success. The Power of Habit, written by an award-winning New York Times business reporter Charles Duhigg, explains how can the keystone habits can make all the difference between a failure and success. 

The Power of Habits audiobook explores the habits of many successful people like Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, Martin Luther King Jr, the CEO of Starbucks, and many more. This audiobook gives its listeners several practical self-improvement strategies that can change everything for good.


10: Eat That Frog 


Eat That Frog is the best self-help audiobook for better management and leadership. It states that how successful people around the world do not procrastinate and focus on their important tasks only. They eat their frogs. In this audiobook, eating a frog is used as a metaphor for overcoming the most challenging task of your life. Tackling your most difficult task can have a positive impact on your life. 

Eat That Frog, a life-changing audiobook is written and narrated by Brian Tracy. It teaches its listeners to organize their every day perfectly with a focus on tackling the critical tasks first. The audiobook emphasizes the three important pillars of effective time management-discipline, determination, and decision.  



Do not worry if you do not get time to read some best life-changing books. You can listen to all the best self-improvement audiobooks amidst your busy schedule and change the perspective of your life. These self-help audiobooks are meant to make you walk on the path of self-development. 



Author bio: Sarah Schumer is a passionate writer, hungry for new innovation. New trends fill her with tons of enthusiasm to uncover hidden topics. When she is not writing, you will find her teaching math, and trying new recipes and listening to audiobooks.