Whole Health Journaling Challenge Workbook Review

Author - Michelle Cornish
Published - Jun 15, 2022 8:10:26 AM

I've journaled off and on for several years now, mostly at random times. As much as I've tried to make journaling a regular practice, it's more something that I lean on when I need to work things out with pen and paper. Completing the 24-day Whole Health Journaling Challenge has opened my eyes to the benefits of journaling regularly.

During this challenge I experienced a deeper understanding of my own thoughts and feelings, improved mental clarity, enhanced self-awareness, greater insight into my relationships with others, and increased motivation to pursue my goals.

What is the Whole Health Journaling Challenge?

The Whole Health Journaling Challenge from Journaling for the Health of It® and Create Write Now encourages you to journal for 15-20 minutes every day for 24 days. The goal is to get in the habit of journaling to see how it impacts your overall health and well-being. I especially enjoyed that this challenge specifically touches on journal prompts from all aspects of your well-being: spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical.

Since my journaling habit up to this point has been fairly random, the biggest challenge for me was remembering to do the challenge each day. To help with this, I wrote journaling time in my calendar, since I use a calendar to keep track of everything else I need to complete during the month.


The Benefits of Writing in a Journal

The benefits I experienced from completing the Whole Health Journaling Challenge included:

  • Feeling more grounded and centered,
  • Having more clarity around my goals and what I wanted to accomplish,
  • Managing my stress and anxiety easier, and
  • Sleeping better.

I felt more connected to myself and my surroundings. I was also able to work through some tough emotions and situations that had been on my mind for a while.

One of the most surprising benefits was how well I slept after journaling. I found that writing before bed helped me relax and fall asleep more easily.


Tips for Staying Motivated to Write in Your Journal

As I mentioned above, the trickiest part of the challenge for me was remembering to complete each day's journal prompt.  If you're interested in taking on the challenge yourself, here are a few tips that helped me stay motivated:

  • Set a reminder on your phone or in your calendar,
  • Write with a friend or family member,
  • Keep your journal close by so you can write whenever you have a free moment or think of something you want to make a note of,
  • Read the daily journal prompts in the morning and work on them throughout the day, breaking up the time spent journaling.

Improve Your Mental, Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Health

Journaling is a great way to improve your mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical health.  If you're looking for a way to boost your overall health and well-being, I recommend giving the Whole Health Journaling Challenge a try. You might be surprised by how much it helps!

In addition to improving your outlook on life, there are other more tangible benefits to writing in a journal. The benefits I experienced during this challenge included improving my memory, helping me process my thoughts and feelings, and increasing my creativity.


Track Your Progress and Accomplishments in Your Journal

Another great way to use your journal is to track your progress and accomplishments. This is especially helpful if you're working on a health or fitness goal.

I found that tracking my journaling progress each day helped me stay on track and motivated. I was also able to look back and see how far I'd come, which was really satisfying.

Overall, I'm glad I completed the Whole Health Journaling Challenge. It definitely helped me improve my mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical health. If you're looking for a way to boost your overall health and well-being, I recommend giving it a try! You might be surprised by how much it helps.


In Conclusion

I hope you found these benefits and tips helpful. If you're thinking of taking on the Whole Health Journaling Challenge, I encourage you to do it! It's a great way to check in with yourself and see how journaling can improve your overall health and well-being.

In addition to improving your outlook on life, there are other more tangible benefits to writing in a journal. The benefits I experienced during this challenge included improving my memory, helping me process my thoughts and feelings, and increasing my creativity.

If you're thinking about starting a journaling practice or are looking for ways to improve your overall health, I recommend giving the Whole Health Journaling Challenge a try. It's a great way to see how journaling can help you in all areas of your life.



Prosperity Planner Cover

Author bio: Michelle Cornish is the author of Prosperity Planner: Manage Your Personal Finances and Get Out of Debt, an undated planner where she shares more about her personal financial journey and her TREE Method for keeping her personal finances in check. 








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