Journaling Powerâ„¢ Video and Podcast | CreateWriteNow

Video: The Challenges of Successful Journaling

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | Mar 1, 2017 2:01:00 PM

Egypt Burge interviews Mari L. McCarthy on how to overcome the challenges of journaling successfully. She tells you how to use journal writing prompts and why it is important to journal.

Here is the transcript for this video:

Egypt Berg:       Welcome, I'm Egypt Berge, your self care specialist and host of the nurse or so on laboratory. Today our featured guest is Mary L. McCarthy, founder and chief inspiration officer of create right now that come, Mary is also the author of journaling power, how to create the happy, healthy life you want to live, which is an international best seller. Through the power of journaling, Mary has transformed her own life, discovered her true self and uncovered hidden talents. Mary offers guidance, support, and inspiration through our online offerings, ebooks, and private consultation. Welcome Mary. I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. What are some of the challenges that people have about journaling? And I, I would imagine that, you know, because writing is something that has been, that has all that growing up, we often submitted and have it critiqued and criticized and you know, you get it back and you have these red marks on your paper.

Egypt Berg:       You have all these, you know, the grammatical errors that need to be changed. And, and um, and that's what we're used to. We're used to submitting our writing or um, you know, often for correction and for review. And then with journaling, it is so personal, so I would imagine that people would have some, some challenges with getting used to so writing just for themselves because that's not, that's not what we commonly do. Can you speak to that a little bit?

Mari:                And I call it a page for the writers, real writers call it writer's block, but I call it page by based on my experience is, it's just like, it's really years. It's really the fears that as we were saying about somebody think were literally carrying around in the cells of our being so, and it's just, you know, and it takes awhile to figure out where is that feeling coming from?

Mari:                Where's that, you know. So it's um, so the whole thing about, to me it's like I got really, really scared after I was done with one pages for a while and all that kind of stuff. Oh, they got back to the computer and keep my journal on the computer. And it's just like, no, like, oh, how boring against synchronistically shall I say? Um, I came across a, a book by Lee, by New Emily Hamlet. It was the art of fiction writing. She introduced the whole concept of the inner critic. This whole thing, the focus again was, has always been left brain. You're doing it right and you know, you use it as a, uh, oh, a period as opposed to using a simple call. I said earlier, I'm so mean. So I could tell you all the states and the capitals and I can tell you what's the difference between a, you know, a dangling participle in the area.

Mari:                We're talking about creative writing. Well, it's a. So it is something you did as, as I said, the bottom line is it's fear of all shapes and sizes.

Egypt Berg:       So you're, I'm, I'm hearing that, that fear and then it is a big factor. Then noticing that when we're, we're hearing other voices that we're constantly being, we're critical of ourselves and, and just getting past that can actually open up a whole New Orleans hotels. But I also heard you mentioned the guilt of making time for yourself as well.

Mari:                First have a conversation about what journaling is really getting into to you and your soul and your heart and your emotions. And things like that, that's the thing of, Oh, I'm just so busy, I'm so stressed, and that type of thing is I don't have time. The way you are choosing to live your life right now, you don't have time for yourself.

Mari:                This journaling present you a real opportunity for you to create time in your life for you. And that's something you probably never done before. The whole thing of time is definitely a real a thing because of the way we've been running our alignment. Like I said, it's really, really changing. Um, as I like to say, living, uh, on the periphery of our life and we're really. Journaling helps us learn how to live our life from the inside out. And that's major, major behaviors. And we agree once

Egypt Berg:       I really require a mindset change, to know that you are, I guess worthy enough to take time to yourself and to make yourself a priority. I'm just giving yourself a few minutes of downtown to write and reflect him and then. But the benefits of it, I mean, are just to have those I opening moments that can change your life. It's extraordinary

Mari:                yes. And realizing that the of who we, who have thought that we were or who we think we are and who we really are, are two different. I mean it's almost like a Jekyll and Hyde situation, you know, it's just like we've been living in our, you know, processing sterling, we return it to center in this site. We discover all these things about, you know, only the physical but the emotional and able to, like you say, reflect and take the time for ourselves and say, oh my goodness, oh, now I know like I have the, this just like, you know, and, and, and, and being able to have the laughter and it's just like, you know, it's like the, the, the guy, the commercial. Oh, I should've, could've had that type of thing. I mean, to me it's like I remember some of the things from childhood and it's like, oh my goodness, it's not that, you know, you know, I'm, I'm dumb and stupid and all that kind of stuff.

Mari:                You know, because my brother's a does need sheet music. I play the piano. We can just sit down and play. So just going through all that thing, just like, oh my gosh, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a different type of, of brilliant, just brilliant.

Egypt Berg:       I want, I'm thinking one of the things that I love about journaling is that looking back on my journals and I always have like these, those moments or those say, wow, mom, like how much I've changed or grown or, or, um, how things have come to fruition over, you know, things that I've written out and then how, how they actually happened, you know, things that I didn't think would happen and actually can be inspiring just just to look back and reflect on things that I've written in the past.

Mari:                Oh, definitely. And, and like you say, the reflection in the, in, uh, in the perspective and as you say, to see that wow.

Mari:                By getting through all the garbage and sorting it out and getting clicks. Like, you know, to me it's awesome for, for goals and that's what to me is a uh, and I had never consistently, you know, durnal dug into it. Like I said, 18 years ago, but I really find to that boy my, my, I've always been a goal setter and you know, I've always loved golden then, but now with the journal is it gets, you know, things come faster and then going back, oh, where that came from, or our go to arbitrarily just take a look at something. It's like, Oh wow, I knew that way back when or is this just like when the, you know, is, is really excited and then you have, you have a hard and fast facts and to give yourself, wow, boy, am I grown and or have changed or, or look how, how, you know, being more patient now benefit because I grew up. Right.

Egypt Berg:       Well thank you mary. We appreciate all that you've said today and I'm actually planning to increase my journal time.