Keep a Daily Journaling Practice Forever

Author - Mari L. McCarthy
Published - January 9, 2013

The word “forever” can be intimidating or frightening at times. You might experience some uneasiness at the thought of committing to do anything for the rest of your days – being married to the same person, living in the same city, working the same job. But “forever” can also represent an opportunity and a choice to do something you love for as long as you can.

Journal writing therapy is most powerful when you make it an integral part of your everyday life (yes, forever!). Here are a few tips on how to start a daily practice and keep it going.

How to Become a Lifelong Daily Journaler

1. Stop Overthinking and Start Feeling.

Look at your daily journaling as an ongoing conversation with someone you are very close to, like a spouse or best friend. Some days, you may want to pour your heart out about wonderful news or an upsetting problem; other days, you may want to say a quick hello and that’s all. Make your goal each day simply to write a sentence or two and see where you go from there. If you miss an entry, get right back to it the next day.

2. Set a routine.

It’s easy to let journaling fall by the wayside if you don’t set aside a time each day to write. Start small, just five or 10 minutes at a time, but be disciplined about sticking to it. If you find yourself dragging your feet when it comes time for your journal writing therapy appointment, keep a list of all the reasons you feel better after journaling and refer to it when needed.

3. Celebrate Milestones.

Maintaining a thriving journaling practice does take time and energy, so it is important to recognize your efforts along the way. Celebrate when you complete the 27 Days of Journaling to Health and Happiness Challenge, when you arrive at your two-month daily journaling anniversary or when you reach a breakthrough on an issue you’ve been journaling about. Cheer on your progress, and encourage yourself to keep going!

4. Do a Dear Journal

Your Journal is a "Come-As-You-Are" party. Anytime you want, just sit down with your best friend and dump your thoughts, your feelings, your whatevers. Ask it for its advice on finding time for yourself to Journal every day. Write fast because that drives your Inner Critic crazy!


Your Turn: Please share your tips and tricks for getting to and staying at your page every day!              




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